I like
Aldi's! There I said it and I mean it. I have to admit that I didn't always feel that way, it took me some time to warm up to the bare bones of a store. I have always loved grocery shopping, I enjoy finding new items to try. I will
drive to Ann Arbor to go to Whole Foods and Trader Joe's. Then I learned that Trader Joe's is owned by
Aldi. Yep, very hard to believe but it m
ade me take a second and third try at
Aldi's and I am hooked now. I don't buy everything there, but what I have discovered is that there are some foods that are higher quality and just plain cheaper than the conventional store. Here are my top ten picks and why:
#10 Tetra Pack Soups-this is an item I first discovered at Trader Joe's but is available at Aldi. The Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup is delicious and is only $1.99 for a 32 ounce carton.

#9 Pretzel Rods-At $3.99, these are a bargain and they were all whole since they are in a tub not a bag. These sell for $6.99 at a local food service store.
#8 Dried Cranberries-For $1.39, you can toss them in your salad guilt free.
#7 Clancy's Tortilla Chips-Don't be turned off by the "off brand", these chips are top notch at a mere $1.19

#6 Devil's Food Fat Free Cookies-Move over "snackwells" these cookies will save you calories and money, only $1.19

#5 Glazed Pecans-These are so good with those cranberries on your salad. Not sure of the price but I think they may have been $3.99

#4 Granola-The granola is good quality and good price $1.99

#3 Frozen Fruits and Vegetables-Good quality, good price

#2 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables-Aldi's only carries seasonal vegetables, 8 ounces mushrooms $.79, blueberries $1.49, onions 3 pounds for $.79

#1 Organic Soy Milk-Yes I said organic. Aldi's carries a few organic items from time to time. This one is a staple there and the cost is only $2.39.

Like I said I do not buy everything there. There are some items to avoid such as the seafood. It is all either farm raised or imported from China. I also noticed some of the canned fruit is from China. With all the stuff going on with the orange juice imports I avoid imported food. Also, when Aldi does have a name brand product it doesn't tend to be cheaper than the grocery store so pass that up also.
Be prepared when you go: take a quarter to use a cart, bring your own bags and bring cash or a debit card. They do not accept credit! Happy shoppings!